Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Cloth diapers or disposables?

We are looking into cloth diapering the twins. Mostly because the thought of spending so much in disposables is making me sick!

Anyway, as I was doing some research online, I came across www.greenmountaindiapers.com This was one of the most informative sites and their prices are reasonable (very comparable with other companies I looked at). I had some questions for Karen (the owner). Being new to this, I asked her what she thought we would need for twins, since our whole reason for CDing was to save money. She replied quickly, but her answer surprised me. She didn't try to sell me extra, unnecessary stuff, but told me what we had to have and what we could get by with. I must say, if we do decide to cloth diaper, we will purchase from greenmountaindiapers.com! Thanks again, Karen!

Udate on the Littlest A's

Sorry, it has been a while since I updated. I'll try to do better on this. ;)

September 22, Jon and I went in for our 12 week check up. We found out we will be getting an ultrasound at every appointment because Doc wants to know which one has which heart beat and how they are growing. I'm okay with that! We also found out that we don't have to go to Des Moines at all. YAY! All of my appointments and the delivery will be at home unless there are major complications.

I don't normally do this, but I took a list of questions that had been plaguing me since the day after we found out about the twins. It is wonderful having a doc who is willing to take time to answer my questions and think about what I may be going through. If you are in a similar situation, please find a doc that will work with you and take time for you. It is so worth it!

Jon got to see the babies for the first time. Baby A was bouncing around and waving. After some work, we saw Baby B squirming, too. It was so strange to see two babies, just growing and moving. They were both doing great! I have to admit that I was extremely worried going to this appointment. What if something happened? Are they both still there? Is everything okay?

The weekend prior to the appointment I went to the SIBC Ladies' Retreat. Thanks to Mrs. Carol Walters for getting it together and Mrs. Donna VanderHart for speaking. I must say that 3 messages on trusting God (although I think this is what God wanted me to get out of it, because others got something totally different out of it) and Mrs. Walters encouraging me with something from Pastor Schettler really helped. Jon had been trying to get me to leave it with God. I would worry, give it to God, and take it back to worry some more. I'm so thankful that God reminded me to leave it with Him. Nothing is too big for Him and He never gives us something He will not help us through.

I think God wanted to know if I had learned the lesson He was trying to teach me. Just as I was loading the car to leave camp, I noticed I had a flat tire. That was okay, I'd call Jon and he could change it for me. Except when I opened my flip phone, the top fell off! (Okay, I did drop it for the umpteenth time the day before.) Okay, God, I'll trust You. God provided another phone for me to call Jon, who was only 15 minutes away. Jon put on the spare and I had about 30 minutes to get to town to get a new phone. About two miles (maybe 3) from camp the spare blew! I got out and started walking praying that God was sending Jon right behind me. Guess what, he was. Jon took the flat tire (that had a screw in it) out of the trunk and off to town we went. God allowed us to get to the store with just ten minutes to spare! So I was able to get my phone, Jon fixed the tire, put it on the car, and we got back to town in time for the youth group activity (which ended up starting an hour late). I hope that was enough testing for me to learn my lesson!